1번 개인적 선호 문제 R&L X - My opinion
나의의견  (restate the question)   
1. 이유 First of all, ~   
- 디테일 (explain) In other words/ Not only, but also/ That's because/ Such as   
2. 이유 Second reason is that S+V   
- 디테일 (explain)   
결론 (rephrase my opinion → option)
All things I considered, ~ 

2번 선택문제 R&L X - My opinion
나의의견  (restate the question) (Personally,) A is better than B   
1. 이유 First of all, ~   
- 디테일 (explain) To be specific/ For example/ ~as well/ However, unlike~   
2. 이유 Also, ~   
- 디테일 (explain)   
결론 (rephrase my opinion → option) All in all 


3번 캠퍼스상황주제 R&L
R L   
토픽 Male 의견   
세부사항1 Female 의견 (M,F중 하나가 질문)   
세부사항2 1. 이유 R   
  - 디테일 D   
  2. 이유   
  - 디테일 
말하기의 예)
의견말하기 L의견+R토픽 (ex 나는 ~하는 것에 대해Reading 동의/동의하지 않는다Listening)
이유1 말하기 L이유1+R세부사항1
이유2 말하기 L이유2+R세부사항2
Reading note Listening note   
Topic : Drop-in tutor X → Online
          방문개별지도 폐쇄 → 온라인
   -off-campus X come to school
      캠퍼스 비거주자 학교 올 필요 없음
   -log-in → ask tutor Q's
      로그인만 하면 튜터에게 질문 가능 M : do online
W : disg. 반대
   1. X save time
     -typing longer speaking
   2. comp. old → X access site
     -upgrade / buy 
Answer : The woman disagree with the school's decision(listening) to switch tutoring to an online service(reading)
Her first reason is that it will not save them time(listening R) even though students won't need to come to school for tutoring(reading R). That's because typing takes longer than speaking(listening S). Another reason is that many students will have a hard time even accessing the site(listening R). If their computers are too old, they'll have to upgrade or buy new ones before they can ask tutors any questions(listening S+reading 내용 섞어서).

4번 학술적 주제 R&L
R L   
토픽 1. 예시 E   
개념정리 - 디테일 S   
  2. 예시   
  - 디테일 


말하기의 예)
 토픽 문장 말하기
 L예시와 디테일+R개념
 L예시와 디테일+R개념

Reading note Listening note   
Topic : Impress. Manag
      = manip, image
        인상 관리 = 이미지 만들기
    -highlight pos. trait 긍정적 특성 강조
    -others expect.-contexts 상황에 따른 타인의 기대 1. Presenta. 프레젠테이션 때 학생들의 의상
   -suits : pro., seriously 정장 : 전문적, 심각하게
   -change dress 옷을 바꿈
2. Dean → ride home 교수가 학장에게 잘 보이려고 집에 태워다 줌
   -car wash, garbage, classic 세차, 쓰레기 버리기, 클래식 
Answer : The professor gives two examples of impression management or people try to manipulate their images(Reading). He first says that when the students gave presentations(Listening E), they were wearing suits. They were trying to look more professional, so that they would be taken seriously(Listening S). They changed the way they dressed(Listening S) to highlighted their positive traits(Reading). In the second example, a dean had asked the professor for a ride home(Listening E). So, professor had his car washed, removed garbage, and put in a tape of classic music(Listening S). He did this to try to meet the dean's expectations of him(Reading).

5번 캠퍼스상황주제 L - My opinion
해결책1 해결책2   
-디테일 -디테일   
반응 반응 


말하기의 예)
문제점말하기 [Someone]'s problem is that +문제점
해결책말하기 The [other] makes two suggestions
             First is 해결책1,디테일+ Second is 해결책2,디테일
내 의견말하기 If I were her/his, I would + 해결책1,2 중 골라서 대답

Listening note   
문제점  Internship : turn down - pay↓ 인턴쉽 거절 - 임금이 적음   
해결책 1) Talk to them 회사 측과 대화
-give more 돈을 더 달라고 함
→same rate 그래도 같은 임금 해결책 2) Part-time job 아르바이트
- a few hrs. 몇 시간 밖에
→ overwh. 벅참 
Answer : The woman's problem is that she may have to turn down an internship because the pay is too low(문제점 말하기). The man makes two suggestion. The first is to talk to the company about giving her more money; the second is to work a few extra hours at a part-time job(제시된 해결책 말하기). If I were her, I'd get a part-time job because getting more money from the company might be hard. Working a couple hours when she has spare time would give her money to pay for all things she needs(내 의견 말하기).


6번 학술적 주제 L - 교수가 무조건 2가지 예를 들고 그 예안에 예시가 있음
- 토픽 개념   
- 주요 개념   
- 주요 개념   
말하기의 예)
토픽문장말하기 The two [토픽] presented by the professor are + 서브토픽1, 서브토픽2
서브토픽1 요약하기 First the lecture explains 서브토픽1 + For example 서브토픽1의 EX
서브토픽2 요익하기 The other case is 서브토픽2 + The professor uses the example of 서브토픽2의 EX

Topic Interference theory
 -X remem. 간접이론 : 기억들이 서로를 방해하기 때문에 사람들이 기억하는데 어려움을 겪는다.   
Subtopic 1. Proact.
  :exist. M→diff. dev. new
    ex)new song→guitar
      -sim. mel. - come to mind
      -X remem. new
2. Retroact.
  :new M inter. w/ old
    ex)3 add.
      -current :easy, old :hard
      -new→throw out prev. 1. 순행간섭
  :현존하는 기억이 새 기억의 형성을 어렵게 하는 경우
    ex)기타로 새로운 곡을 배우려고 할 때,
      -비슷한 예전 멜로디가 떠오른다.
      -그래서 새 선율을 기억하기 어렵게 한다.
2. 역행간섭
  :새 기억이 옛 기억을 방해 하는 경우
    ex)개인의 세 개의 주소
      -최근 주소는 기억하기 쉬운데 나머지 오래된 것들은 어렵다.
      -새 주소를 갖게 되었을 때, 옛날 것을 기억에서 지워버린다. 
Answer : The two types of interference presented by the professor are proactive and retroactive(토픽문장말하기). First, the lecture explains proactive interference, when existing memories make development of new ones difficult(서브토픽1 요약). For example, when trying to learn a new song on the guitar , similar old melodies come to mind instead, making it difficult to remember new tunes(서브토픽1 EX). The other case is retroactive interference, which means new memories interfere with old ones(서브토픽2 요약). The professor uses the example of our last three addresses. We can remember the current one easily, but will have more trouble with the other two. This is because when we get a new address, we throw out the previous ones(서브토픽2 EX).



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